Why and how to improve your writing skills as a software developer

This is a guest post from Allie Cooper. Enjoy. It’s one thing to be able to write good code, but professional written communication is something else entirely. The ability to efficiently and authentically communicate using written language is an often ironically underrated skill in software development.This is something that new developers need to get over … Continue reading Why and how to improve your writing skills as a software developer

Things learned from a senior developer

Dear new developer, This post by a Bloomberg developer catalogs everything they learned sitting next to a senior developer for a year. Lots of good stuff in there. Favorite excerpts: How to handle an outage: For when things go wrong, and they will, the golden rule is minimizing client impact. My natural tendency when things … Continue reading Things learned from a senior developer

Writing Is An Undervalued Engineering Skill

Dear new developer, This post discusses writing and how learning to write well can really level up your engineering experience. You can also view over 300 comments about this post on one of my favorite online communities, Hacker News. The author has some suggestions on how to become better: So how can you work on … Continue reading Writing Is An Undervalued Engineering Skill

What Mitchell learned in his first two years as a software developer

Dear new developer, It's great to see what other developers have learned, especially when they are just starting out. This is a post covering Mitchell Irvin's lessons from his first two years as a software developer. Now, I don't know Mitchell at all (but I guess I am connected to him in the third degree, … Continue reading What Mitchell learned in his first two years as a software developer