Always leave the code better than you found it

Dear new developer, I've spent a lot of my time maintaining working code. I think that is more typical of software developers than working in greenfield development. Yes, there are definitely jobs where you are writing more new code than maintaining, upgrading, bug fixing and improving old code (startups without product market fit being one, … Continue reading Always leave the code better than you found it

Choose inspiration over imitation

This is a guest post from James Turnbull. Enjoy. Dear new developer, Steve Jobs made the phrase "Good artists copy, great artists steal" famous in the tech industry. However, there's considerable debate about the origin of the expression. Ironically, he was possibly cribbing from Picasso, who might have been cribbing from Igor Stravinsky, William Faulkner, … Continue reading Choose inspiration over imitation

The perfect is the enemy of the good (and the done)

Dear new developer, When you are facing a problem, it can be very tempting to try to solve it perfectly. Handle all the possible edge cases, make it extensible, have it be configurable without code changes. As with everything in life, there's an opportunity cost to this perfection. If you're spending days perfecting a single … Continue reading The perfect is the enemy of the good (and the done)

Don’t try to change the tabbing / bracing style

This is a guest post from Andrew Rondeau. Enjoy. Dear New Developer, Don’t show up an a new job and immediately try to change the tabbing and/or bracing style. This is especially important if the codebase you work on has a very consistent style that all of the other developers follow. Why? Tabbing and bracing … Continue reading Don’t try to change the tabbing / bracing style

Know when to not throw in the towel

Dear new developer, I wrote previously about when to throw in the towel. Now I want to mention when you shouldn't. Anything worth doing is hard. That includes software development. There are times, sure, when it feels like you're a superhero. When the code is flowing. When you can hold the entire system in your … Continue reading Know when to not throw in the towel