What is the best surprise of being a new developer?

Dear new developer, I was asked recently at a talk I gave about what was the best surprise of being a new developer. I was talking at Turing School, and had discussed some of the things that surprised me when I was starting out. There are a lot of great things about being a developer. … Continue reading What is the best surprise of being a new developer?

The perfect is the enemy of the good (and the done)

Dear new developer, When you are facing a problem, it can be very tempting to try to solve it perfectly. Handle all the possible edge cases, make it extensible, have it be configurable without code changes. As with everything in life, there's an opportunity cost to this perfection. If you're spending days perfecting a single … Continue reading The perfect is the enemy of the good (and the done)

Don’t be afraid to “fail”

This is a guest post from Cierra Nease. Enjoy. Dear new developer, “Failures” as a new developer are plenty -- but you might be asking, why is “failures” in quotes? To fail something is dependent upon one’s perspective. The only true failure is to quit working towards success. Every failure brings a small success in … Continue reading Don’t be afraid to “fail”

Use copy/paste as much as you can

Dear new developer, Use copy and paste as much as you can. Not so much for code snippets from Stackoverflow, though that will save you some time hunting down mismatched parentheses. But this is especially useful whenever you are searching for errors or moving information between systems. For example, recently I had to find where … Continue reading Use copy/paste as much as you can