Preparing for a recruiting event

This is a guest post from Jeff Beard, lightly edited. Enjoy. Dear New Developer, Preparing for a university job fair or similar recruiting event is very important if you want to make an impression that results in a phone screen. A hiring manager and their recruiters receive an enormous number of contacts and resumes from … Continue reading Preparing for a recruiting event

Why software engineers are grumpy

Dear new developer, I thought that this post, "The care and feeding of software engineers (or, why engineers are grumpy)", from 2012 was still relevant today. It's a long one, so I won't excerpt all the interesting parts, but this really resonated with me: Both engineers and product managers tend to think, incorrectly, that product … Continue reading Why software engineers are grumpy

Confessions of a conference speaker

Dear new developer, When I was newer to development, I thought that conference speakers were experts in their area, harbored no doubts, and that they knew exactly what they were doing. Speaking about technology seemed scary (until it wasn't). I enjoyed this post, "Confessions of a Conference Speaker", pulling back the veil on the experience … Continue reading Confessions of a conference speaker