Speaking isn’t as scary as you think, eventually

Dear new developer, I remember one of the first times I spoke in public. I was talking about J2ME (which was a technology for building mobile apps, pre iphone) to the Boulder Java Users Group. I threw up some slides showing the flow of data across the system, and made a joke along the lines … Continue reading Speaking isn’t as scary as you think, eventually

Help, I can’t learn/do something because it is boring!

Dear new developer, Sometimes you have to learn or do something boring. I know there are times when I've had to schlep, whether that is data entry, learning a technology that I'm not thrilled about, or tediously manually replicating a bug many many times to try to debug it. A couple of tips on how … Continue reading Help, I can’t learn/do something because it is boring!

Think about how things can go wrong

Dear new developer, Think about the edge cases. This is one of the primary ways you can add value. Think about what happens when things go wrong. It's usually relatively straightforward to consider the happy path. Let's take the example of a relatively simple ordering application. People can login, see their orders, and can change … Continue reading Think about how things can go wrong

Things learned from a senior developer

Dear new developer, This post by a Bloomberg developer catalogs everything they learned sitting next to a senior developer for a year. Lots of good stuff in there. Favorite excerpts: How to handle an outage: For when things go wrong, and they will, the golden rule is minimizing client impact. My natural tendency when things … Continue reading Things learned from a senior developer