Deep vs wide experience

Dear new developer,

You have only a finite amount of time, and the world is large.

Technology changes so often and so fast that it can often feel like there is not enough time. Here are two strategies.

The first is to focus on fundamentals. Yes, there’s a new javascript framework. But it will still have a way to represent data, it will still use algorithms, it will still store data durably, it will still have a build system. Learn these fundamentals for two different solutions and you will start to see patterns that will allow you to pick up new languages/frameworks more easily (because you can map back to an existing solution).

The second is to choose whether you want to go deep or go wide. Going deep is focusing on one domain or language and truly achieve mastery. This is a project of years and experience. This path will lead you to interesting jobs and big paychecks, if you pick the right area. If you choose poorly, you might have only a few employers to pick from. Working for a product company is the best way to go deep.

Going wide will mean that you never achieve true mastery. You will however, learn to pick up new skills quickly. You’ll learn to map between two dissimilar situations. You’ll start to see patterns across software development and business. You’ll always be more of a generalist than a specialist, and that will limit some job opportunities. Working for a consulting company is a great way to go wide.

Neither of these is a better path than the other, and you can, especially in your early career, switch between them. Try them both on and choose consciously.



3 thoughts on “Deep vs wide experience

    1. I think that what is ‘deep’ now is wider than it used to be, but I think there’s still a lot of value in niching down, especially as you become more experienced. I’ll tell you what, when I was contracting it was very hard to turn down work I thought I could learn, but after getting burnt a few times I started to narrow my focus.


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